When you consider that a fairly hefty slice of the success of my company still depends on the health of print media, it’s a little alarming to note that I’m actually surprised by just how many print magazines we still receive here in the Morrow household.
Magazines have been an easy place to cut spending iver the past year, but we still get a bunch.
Do we read them? Do you read all your magazines? Us neither.
Here’s a rundown of mags you’ll find around here:
Currently Receive
- ReadyMade
- Locus: The Magazine of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Field
- Utne Reader
- Cooking Light
- Cook’s Country
- Cook’s Illustrated
- Family Fun
Let Them Expire in the Last Year
Ones I May Subscribe to (Again) Soon
(inspired by the Plinky prompt for 2/14/09)
Hey—what do you read? What am I missing out on?