By Mike

“Praise song for the day”

I couldn’t agree more with my old friend Valerie. I loved the inaugural poem. Valerie’s Blog » Blog Archive » elizabeth alexander gratitude. In today’s sharp sparkle, this winter air, anything can be made, any sentence begun.

“What I Want for You — and Every Child in America”

I don’t know, I’m guessing this has been linked to all over the Web, but in case you haven’t seen it here is Mr. Obama’s (open) letter to his daughter’s upon assuming the presidency. Would have been hard to say it any better, I imagine. PARADE Magazine | Barack Obama: A Letter to My Daughters.

“Great” Moments

Letterman’s final montage of the “Great Moments in Presidential Speeches” segment, one of the great highlights of his show the last few years.

Get off my lawn

If I could rig this into my doorbell, I would be damn close to the happiest guy in my neighborhood. The lovely and talented Clint Eastwood: (via @kellydeal)

Prettify yer beige

I used to spend a lot of time customizing the appearance of my Mac. Tweaking desktops, icons, themes, everything. Now that I’m all grown up, I spend my time customizing the functionality of my Mac. It’s beautiful enough on its own. But every once in awhile I still get the bug to inject a little more visual personality. From now on, I’m going to turn to Prettify. They’re doing a nice job picking out the best stuff from around the web. Prettify — Nice icons and wallpapers.

Enjoy This Wonderful Day

On the surface, today has been just a terrible day. Many minor disappointments, some Very Bad News for a friend, a farewell to one of the great leaders of my company. And it’s fucking cold. Sadness aplenty. But then I got home. And my daughter showed me one of her school projects. And then I opened the mail, which contained this wonderful shirt from Iron and Twine. And I feel better.

Seven Things

The seven things meme, as rendered by yours truly (@mikemorrow). Not really all that interesting—this is definitely harder than I thought, but I also didn’t want to spend too much time agonizing over what to say. Stick around here long enough and you’ll get to know me better, I’m sure. Not that I was asking for it (thanks @frageelay). 1. I have absolutely no fear of speaking in front of groups or crowds, but one-on-one conversations tend to paralyze me with anyone but my closest friends. Hence my fondness for Twitter. 2. I’m a Deadhead. As in, I used to…